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Privacy and Policy

We appreciate you visiting our website, and this notice explains your access rights and how your medical information may be handled and released. Read this carefully. We never collect personally identifying data unless you knowingly provide it to us. The security mechanisms in place will prevent unauthorized access if you are a patient and decide to share information. The privacy statement states the following:


  • The categories of information gathered from Users, including personal data or information
  • The intent, methods, and patterns of use of such information and
  • What information we will reveal, to whom, and how.

Automatic Information Gathering and Archiving


It’s possible that when you use the Services, we’ll ask you for information that will be automatically collected and kept and that will either allow us to individually identify you or that could be used to do so. Webmasters and other designated employees on our team members are the only ones with access to this information since they need it to carry out their jobs. It is only maintained for as long as is required for the in-depth study. We are freely asking you for the following information, which is mentioned below:


  • Contact data
  • Health or medical data 
  • Demographical data
  • Health or medical data
  • Information through emails or letters

Personal Information Provided Willingly

In order to react to your message and/or deliver the information or services you requested, such as when you fill out a “Contact Us” form, leave a remark, or respond to a survey, we may use the personal information you voluntarily give us. To explore other pages of our website, submitting personal details like name, phone number, email address, etc. is only an option and it’s not compulsory. We will store your data for answering your inquiries.


Visits from Other Websites to Our Website


As a tool to improve communication with our users, we might maintain profiles on third-party websites like social media platforms. Activities on certain third-party websites are subject to the security and privacy policies of those websites. Information shared by users of third-party websites frequently goes to the general public, other users, and/or the third party that controls the website. There are many applications for information. Before accessing any third-party websites, make sure you read their privacy policies so you are informed of how your information might be used. Additionally, any third-party website where you have an account requires that you customize the privacy settings. 

Frequently used third-party websites include:


  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • YouTube
  • Google
  • Google places

Data Gathered and Used from Third-Party Websites

The privacy settings on the third-party website and our privacy policy settings may determine how much information about your account is made public.If you decide to follow, like, friend, or comment while logged into a third-party website.



Except where necessary for law enforcement, we never reveal, distribute, sell, or transfer any personal information about our visitors.